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The ancient Greeks described the celestial bodies and their orbits as
perfect circles in the firmament; and just as what is perfect belongs to the
world of the gods, they also came up with fascinating myths and deities
dwelling behind every single radiant sphere. The Sun and the Moon have thus
been guiding the imagination and the art of the Greeks right from the most
ancient times of their long history.
It is the harmonious union of the opposing celestial forces that forms
and shapes the Earth, Nature and Life. At the meeting point of the male and the
female, of dusk and dawn, of gold and silver, of present time and infinity, of
the whole cycle of existence, that is where the mortal men and women exist,
charting their own unique path in the world.
The COSMOS collection of ZOLOTAS House of jewelry consists of unique
necklaces, earrings and bracelets decorated with precious stones that reflect
the four elements of the World: Emerald and Opal for Water, Tiger's Eye and
Malachite for Earth, Sapphire, Lapis lazuli and Amethyst for Air, Ruby and Agate
for Fire.
The radiant COSMOS charms, bearing the symbols of the circle of
Wholeness and the alternation of the celestial bodies, the Sun and the Moon,
will light our new year up, bringing to 2022 fullness and harmony, balance and